Tetras are relatively easy to care for fish, especially if you plan to add them to your tropical aquarium. They thrive in an appropriately sized tank, the right water conditions with the right temperature, and require some setup and maintenance.
Common species of Tetra Fish
- Rummynose
- Cardinal
- Glowlight
- Green Neon
- Black widow
- Ember
- Columbian
- Silver tip
- Congo
- Head and Tail
- Black
- Serpae
- Neon
- Red Eye
What tank size do tetra fish need?
Your aquarium will need a filter, heater, and thermometer to keep the aquarium in the best condition for your tetras. Live plants and decorations that will provide hiding places are great additions to your aquarium. The minimum size tank for them would be around 20 Litres. As they are small fish we recommend keeping them together with other tetra species as larger fish will probably eat them.
What kind of water do you need for tetras?
For best results it’s best to prepare your aquarium before you bring the fish home. This includes running the aquarium for a few days and heating the water. For more information on this procedure please Download our guide from the Home Page of our site.
What temperature do tetras need?
Your tetras will perform best in a water temperature between 21 and 27°C. You need to add a thermometer to your tank to monitor the temperature. In some Australian climates, you may not need a heater for this temperature range.
What do Tetras eat?
Tetras in the wild consume an omnivorous diet that feeds primarily on insects and larvae. In aquariums, they will readily accept most types of food, including flakes, micro granules, or frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms.
Care should be taken not to feed too large food, as tetras have relatively small mouths. You can provide them 2-3 times a day, with an occasional fasting day. Overfeeding can also lead to excessive tank waste and should be avoided or removed from the tank.
Fish you can get to live along with Tetras
Due to the small size of tetras, it is crucial to avoid harboring them with large, aggressive, or carnivorous fish. Other small fish such as guppies, minnows, cories, or plecos can be suitable tank mates for your tetras, as well as snails and shrimp.
If you want to know more about Tetra fish and how to take care of them, visit our website today!