Betta Fish, or sometimes called “Siamese fish,” are popular aquarium fish. They’re often called by many as “Betta Fish.” They are part of the gourami family. They are also well-known for being territorial Fish, which is why they’re always seen to fight with other Betta fishes or if they see their reflections.

These fishes originated and are native to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. They’re not found in puddles, despite the popular belief of some people. They’re primarily found in the wild, standing waters, canals, rice paddies, and floodplains.

Even though they are territorial by nature, they’re less territorial in the wild due to the large space that they thrive in. They will only spar with other bettas and not fight to the death.

Betta Fish Characteristics

Betta Fish usually grow to be no longer than three (3) inches. They have a lifespan of two-five (2-5) years. They have brilliant-colored fins, and they have various tail types. Usually, you’ll see Bettas in these colors: Red, Blue, Orange, Black, and White. You may also find them in rare colors such as metallic, turquoise, and copper.

If you want to have Betta Fish as your pet at home, you’ll have to consider how to place them in a tank properly.

Proper Tank Setup for Betta Fish

Betta Fish can directly breathe from the water surface, as they’re considered labyrinth fish. One common misconception about betta fish is that they can be placed in a cup and be happy. Though they can survive in such a small cup to some extent, all betta fish should always be kept in a minimum 6 litre tank.

Also remember that bettas are temperate water fish so they should be kept around 20 degrees celsius. Please make sure to remember this as colder water can kill Betta fishes, as their immune system will slow and make them susceptible to disease. Hotter water isn’t good for them either as it can make them feel uncomfortable and age quickly, as their metabolism will go faster than usual. This is why the temperature is critical to keep them alive.

Another thing to remember is that betta fish should be kept in a tank with a good filter. The filter will keep all the germs, toxins, or bacteria from hurting your betta fish. Moreover, the water should always be treated with a dechlorinating agent or “water conditioners” to keep any chlorine and other heavy metals from getting to your Fish and killing it.

Lastly, the pH should always be kept between 6.5 and 8. Water in their tank should be changed often too, at least once per week. This is to ensure that the Fish will always have fresh water to live on.

If you want to know more about Betta Fish, make sure to check our page out!

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